VARIOUS ARTISTS "Horrendous New Wave" LP

[D FISH01] VARIOUS ARTISTS "Horrendous New Wave" LP

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16 no name new wave bands from the minds of many celebrated cretins across america and beyond, such as Joe Suss (Nancy, Muff Divers), Rik (Pigs, Mongoloid), Jake Robertson (Ausmuteants, Leather Towel), Arielle McCuaig (Janitor Scum, Glitter), DH Strother (Rik and the Pigs, Soft Cheek, Gen Pop), Andy Peterson (Gibbous, Trauma Harness), Cody Phifer (HairLong n Freeky, Nosferatu), BB Eye and many many more! Curated by yours truly, with screen printed jackets, art by Janitor Scum. (Lumpy Records)